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Pantheon integration offers a quick two-way transfer of data from one software to another. As soon as the connection is set up, all the data like customers, invoices and other documents are transferred to CRM and back, and users can now create new documents either in Pantheon or in CRM. They can now freely decide on the tool that is best suited for the task and in most cases that would be Acronx CRM as it offers more organized views, data can be displayed through reports and graphs, and it can be used on the mobile device, which makes it very versatile.

Connect Pantheon to Acronx CRM

Go to the browser, download Open VPN client and install it on the computer or server that will act as a host fort the pantheon database
Once that step is complete go to the Acronx licensing page, log in, open companies CRM and go to the section with data provider
There you will see a field select data provider. Click on it and choose pantheon.
This will open up additional fields that are necessary for setting up the connection.
First click on request VPN configuration button. 
pantheon integracija navodila
That will send an email to your account in which you can find a file with VPN configuration file and script file that needs to be imported in SQL manager in order to prepare pantheon database.
Download the first file and unzip it until you are left with a file that has suffix .ovpn.
Import that file into the OpenVPN client and connection to the CRM is set up automatically.
pantheon integracija vpn povezava
Now locate the second file and open SQL manager program.
In it find the relevant database and then click on file in the top left corner. Next, click on open, which opens another tab and click on file.
pantheon integracija navodila
That will open file explorer and with it you need to locate the script file that came with mail sent from the licensing section of CRM
When the script is located, choose it and press execute in the SQL manager
You may need to press execute button repeatedly, until the program notifies you that all commands were executed successfully
pantheon integracija nalaganje skripte
In the next step you need to create a database user, that will allow connection between the software’s.
In order to do that in SQL manager right click on the database and click on a new query.
In that query you need to input a command for creation of a user. (Note that command bellow is just a sample and data like username, password and database have to be modified to work on your database. Username and password can be arbitrary, but database name has to be the actual name of the database you are connecting.)

(exec dbo.[CRMHL_User.CreateSQLUser] @UserName = 'inputusername', @Password = 'inputpassword', @Database = '[inputdatabasename]')

When the command is prepared click on execute to add command.
pantheon integracija nalaganje skriptepantheon integracija dodajanje uporabnika
Now before you continue with connecting, head to SQL server configuration manager and make sure all your protocols are set correctly.
In SQL server configuration manager locate protocols for Datalab and make sure that TCP/IP is enabled. Then open the protocol, click on IP addresses and set the TCP port to 1433.
pantheon integracija tcp ippantheon integracija urejanje port
Now all the preparation is ready and you can head back to the CRM licensing and enter all the data.
Host address can be found on VPN client, port is always 1433, database name is the same as the actual database name and database username and password are the ones that you entered in the command that was executed in the sql manager.
When everything is entered you can click on check connection, which will let you know if the database is connected properly.
If everything is done correctly test will tell you that connection is working and you can click on update company crm button.
acronx crm logotip
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Acronx d.o.o., Barletova cesta 4N
1215 Medvode, SLOVENIJA